
Upcoming and past performances by Dr. Jeremy Wasser from Europe and the United States. From this page, you may learn more about upcoming events in your area and revisit past events.







Baby Break a Sweat: The Physiology, History, Folklore and Culture of the Sauna

Saturday May 4, 2024 at 7:30 p.m 

In preparation for enjoying a sweat bath in our "Megapod Mound", Dr Jeremy Wasser will briefly discuss the ancient history and folklore of the sweat bath, dating back to prehistoric times, with examples from different cultures around the world. He will discuss aspects of modern sauna culture and explain the physiological changes that take place during a sweat bath experience.

Some Like it Hot: Body temperature and metabolic regulation in birds and mammals

Saturday May 4, 2024 at 2:00 p.m

Birds and mammals are the two classes of vertebrates that generally have a high metabolic rate (internal heat production) and maintain a high body temperature, usually well above the ambient temperature. Animals in both groups also tend to keep their body temperature (core temperature) relatively constant, allowing only small fluctuations, regardless of environmental conditions. These "homeothermic endotherms" are in contrast to most reptile, amphibian and fish species, which are "poikilothermic ectotherms", i.e. animals with a low metabolic rate of heat production whose body temperature fluctuates with the ambient temperature.

In this talk, Dr. Jeremy Wasser will compare the physiology of metabolism and thermoregulation in birds and mammals and highlight the similarities and differences in how these different species maintain an essentially constant high body temperature in the face of environmental challenges.

Hail to Thee Blithe Spirit: how does the bird sing and why?
Lecture Performance

Saturday May 6, 2023 at 7:30 p.m

Animal physiologist, Dr. Jeremy Wasser, will give a lecture-performance about the anatomy, physiology, and behavioral biology of birds and their songs. Later, there will be a very short song recital where Jeremy Wasser will sing a few German songs (that have something to do with birds)!

The art club Global Forest is looking forward to seeing you from May 6 - 7 2023 to invite to the sixth VOGELKLANG sound camp in the Black Forest. On the premises of Stöcklewald camp site (Furtwangen/St.Georgen/Triberg) we explore the behavior and habitat of our feathered friends in a creative exchange. With installations, performances and workshops for young and old, we want to offer the opportunity to discover this multifaceted topic together.

Participation in the VOGELKLANG Soundcamp is free. Drinks and food will be offered and can be consumed for reasonable monetary donations. A fee for materials is charged for participation in various workshops.

Art Association Global Forest eV
Friedrichstr. 5a
78112 St.Georgen in the Black Forest

Festival site:
Stöcklewald campground,
Stöcklewaldweg 2,
78120 Furtwangen


‘Unravel’ in Amsterdam

Friday, April 21 from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm 
Saturday, April 22, 2:00 pm: Séance by Paul Goede, 3:00 pm: talk & tour by curator Susannah Cremer – Bermbach and artists

On April 21st,  Dr. Wasser will be performing Jane Brucker’s “Unravel” project at the Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam, as part of de/cipher.. Watch the unraveling of a sweater worn by Wasser while he sings a “deconstructed” musical piece.

Communication takes place continuously and in many ways through all kinds of sign systems. Encoded characters such as letters, numbers and symbols are carriers and images / expressions of information. In line with the subject of the exhibition, the title refers to the concept of 'de/cipher', in which the enigmatic, mysterious, even misunderstood encrypted information resounds beyond the coding.

This exhibition explores the concept of 'cipher' through works by artists who work with the visual and auditory aspects of language and its semiotic/semiotic properties. In combination with a lively fringe program with performances, séances and lectures, the concept of cipher is illuminated from all sides. The exhibition will show works by artists of very different generations who have never been seen in Amsterdam and/or the Netherlands before. Recently 'de/cipher' was shown at gkg (Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung) Bonn and was conceived by curator Susannah Cremer Bermbach.


‘Unravel’ for de/cipher

Sunday January 22, 2023

Dr. Wasser alongside the Hamburg based artist, Naho Kawabe, presented a performance of Jane Brucker’s “Unravel” project at the GKG in Bonn, as part of the opening for the exhibition de/cipher. They performed an unraveling of a sweater worn by Wasser while he sang a “deconstructed” version of the first verse of the famous German folk song, The Loreley, based on the poem by Heinrich Heine. By singing the first word, pausing for silence, then the first two words and so on though the entire first verse, Wasser acoustically unraveled the work transforming it into a cipher-like version of the well-known song.