Student Stories

In enabling hundreds of Texas A&M students to travel and study abroad, Dr. Wasser has assisted the next generation of leaders to understand the world around them and to begin self discovery journeys. Dr. Wasser has offered Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” concept to students in order to provide a framework for students to track and understand their own learning processes and human growth. The goal of the journey is a gift or boon that the hero/heroine brings back from the supernatural world to the mundane one and then shares with the rest of society. Self-knowledge is the boon for a student in Dr. Wasser’s vision of education. Such understanding is a deeper and more meaningful perspective of selfhood and enables students to envision their personal role and place in society. When a student achieves a new enlightened state and shares knowledge with others, the world has potential to improve.


Kimberley Lyle

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“One of the best parts of the lectures and informational excursions was how passionate Dr. Wasser was. I couldn’t imagine any other prof doing some of the things he did for us to make the experience more fun…”

Melissa Roverse

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“Dr. Wasser told us that that the things we learn and do now will build the foundation for who we are years from now, and to remember, ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear…’


Aaron Wang

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“Dr. Wasser stands out to me as among the best educators as well as one of the most impactful individuals in regards to my academic and professional development…

Sarah Bohac

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“The whole experience was wildly transformative…Dr. Wasser added even more to the course than I think most professors would because of how passionate and interested in the topic he was.”